Become a Volunteer

What can you do

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a volunteer

To become a volunteer, you can send us an e-mail or contact us using the form above and request to register to our WhatsApp volunteer group.

After you have become our volunteer, a weekly and monthly to-do list will be shared with you via e-mail or WhatsApp. You can register to a work that is suitable for you or provide any type of support you can provide

[email protected]

What do you need to know before volunteering?

We are very happy that you want to become a volunteer at Tilya Ecological Social Cooperative. But first, we would like to inform you that our Tilya Ecological Social Cooperative has just been established and we are in need of a lot of things.

First of all, you should definitely let us know whether you will be working in the field (physically) or you will provide any other kind of support. We have a lot of work to be done both in the field and outside, you can get information from us on these issues before you volunteer.

What are the jobs waiting for me after I become a volunteer?

Congratulations, you have become a volunteer of our Tilya Ecological Social Cooperative! Now let's decide together what you can do and what is our most urgent needs

We have a lot of work to do on our land in Beykoz Ishaklı; These can be hard physical chores: like gardening or daily chores such as cleaning and cooking. You can also give us an artistic contribution in your own talents, we always need digital artists to help us with our website and social media

In order to create an environment that will benefit both us and you, we will choose the most suitable job for you together.

What can we offer you?

At this stage, as Tilya Ecological Social Cooperative, our first goal is to grow and become stronger together with you. As time progresses, we will establish gardens together, give workshops and trainings, establish a social and eco-friendly hub and create a center that everyone can benefit from.

As our cooperative develops over time, we will advance with you on ecologically healthy food and organize events for the benefit of society in different fields.

How can you support without becoming a volunteer?

You can help us grow not only voluntarily, but also by supporting us from outside on certain areas of expertise.

We can work with you for construction works on our land, agricultural works or various partnerships. If you contact us for these collaborations, we will meet with you as soon as possible and try to establish a partnership.

What should you do if you want to participate in projects or support workshops?

You can do various projects, organize workshops or give training with us. If you would like to provide support in this way, please contact us via e-mail or the form above to discuss the terms and learn how we can cooperate together.

[email protected]

Become a Volunteer

Join us as a volunteer and discover what we can do together
